Last Updated: 26 June 1999
Courtesy of Michelle Mavity
Note from Warrick: This message was originally posted to the Carting-L mailing list. Michelle gave me permission to post it here, and sent a picture of the conversion as well.
I thought you might be interested in an idea I had regarding converting my daughter's new Radio Flyer #24 wagon to a cart. It has a plastic ball joint joining the handle to the tongue of the wagon. After a bit of thinking, my husband and I came up with a way to use 1" OD PVC pipe for shafts with this wagon. Neither of us are much use with a pipe bender, so PVC was really necessary to save our respective sanities. And if it breaks, PVC is CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP! I use the hose clamps as you suggested for harness stops. They work quite well.
The handle is attached to the ball joint using a large carriage bolt and a nylock nut. I'm using the same bolt, and a castle nut, as nylock nuts are a one-use item. I drilled a hole through the pipe at the appropriate spot, then using a T joint, attached the shafts from there. I was going to use commercial shafts, but I have a very tall skinny dog, with a huge chest girth, and I wasn't sure they would fit.
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