Converting an Ames brand Planters Wagon

Completed wagon with dog for size reference

Converted Ames brand "Planters Wagon", with my dog "Rage" standing in for scale. We did not have a proper harness at the time of this photo, so I just tied the shafts up to show what it would look like with a dog hooked up. The shafts are 48" post-hole digger handles, half square / half rounded. I used a 2x4 to stabilize the shafts, and to make a place for screw eyes to be attached for the traces. My dogs are just the right height and width, so I didn't need any bends in the shafts. I attached one metal pin from a gravity-type gate latch on the underside of the front of each shaft, just for "skid protection". We use this wagon to haul my son and all our gear at festivals and parades, and I know that these shafts are going to get dropped, stepped on, and everything else, so I wanted to keep the wood from getting eaten up by all the abuse. A person could use tennis balls instead, but my dogs are tennis ball crazy, so I thought that would be asking for trouble! I think a person could use pvc or aluminum conduit shafts with this wagon, and still have an easy conversion, if their dog was taller and / or wider than this setup allows. The gray/beige plastic thing sitting on top of the wagon is the original handle, and we have since discovered that it makes a fine seat for an adult driver!

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